Beyond the Basics 1 COURSE OVERVIEW and OBJECTIVES 2 DISPLAY MANAGER SYSTEM 3 REVIEW OF SAS BASICS 4 PROCESSING DATA 5 DATA STEP APPLICATIONS 6 OTHER USEFUL PROCEDURES 7 MACRO PROCESSING 8 EFFICIENCY TECHNIQUES (LIVING WITH LARGE DATA SETS) 9 SELECTED STATISTICS PROCEDURES 10 FORMATTED REPORT WRITING 11 FULL SCREEN DATA ENTRY - SAS/AF, SAS/FSP, AND SCREEN CONTROL LANGUAGE 12 CODING FOR JOB SECURITY This course is designed to review selected topics taught in the introductory basics course (SAS System Basics) and to introduce a number of areas within the SAS system that can not be covered in the basics course. The intended audience should have a basic understanding of the operating system under which SAS is to be run, and a working knowledge of SAS DATA and PROC steps. The course has been written to provide the student with a broad understanding of the capabilities of the SAS System. This is accomplished by reviewing many of the most commonly used programming features and by highlighting a number of additional options, statements, and SAS System features. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the completion of the course the student will be able to do or understand the following: |