Arthur L. Carpenter RESUME SAS EXPERIENCE SUMMARY Mr. Carpenter has been providing SAS and statistical consulting services with California Occidental Consultants since 1983 and has been using SAS since 1976. During this time he has served as SAS Technical Representative and SAS Training Coordinator for three different organizations, and has used each version of SAS since SAS76 on a half dozen different hardware platforms. His programming experience using the SAS System has utilized virtually all of the major components of the SAS product line. Projects have included; data capture from a variety of sources, data base design, design and implementation of data storage and retrieval systems, generation of reports and graphics, data summary and reporting, and statistical analyses. Successful completion of a majority of these tasks included extensive use of the macro and SAS component languages. Opportunities to use the SAS System have been in a wide variety of application areas. These general areas include environmental research studies, statistical analyses, industrial quality control projects, clinical trial studies, and information retrieval and summary systems in the diverse areas of business accounting, health care insurance utilization and review, and toxicology studies. Mr. Carpenter has continuously contributed to the SAS literature. His publications list includes three books Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language, 2nd Edition, Quick Results with SAS/GRAPH® Software, Annotate: Simply the Basics, and two chapters in Reporting from the Field. Art has written over four dozen papers and posters which have been presented worldwide including at SUGI, PharmaSUG, and WUSS. As part of his interest in the training of the SAS user community he has written and taught over a dozen different training courses including Basics, Advanced SAS Techniques, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/AF, SAS/FSP, SCL, and SAS Macros, as well as, other SAS topics. Art has served as a steering committee chairperson of both the Southern California SAS User's Group, SoCalSUG, and the San Diego SAS Users Group, SANDS; a conference cochair of the Western Users of SAS Software regional conference, WUSS; and as Conference Chair at the SAS User's Group International conference, SUGI. Art is currently an active member of the SUGI Executive Committee. |