Arthur L. Carpenter ENVIRONMENTAL PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS Carpenter, A.L. and D.A. DuBose, A Comparison of Ratio Type Estimators on Nonproportional Data, presented at the American Statistical Association's Annual meetings (August, 1979). Kauffman, T.A. and A.L. Carpenter, Impact of the Intake Conduit Biofouling Community, presented at the Fifth National Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement (May, 1980). Hunt, D.E. and A.L. Carpenter, Practical Application of A Stratified Impingement Sampling Model, Poster presentation at the Fifth National Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement (May, 1980). Carpenter, A.L. and W.N. Jessee, Evaluating Community Similarity: An Exploratory Multivariate Analysis, presented at the American Fisheries Society Workshop (October, 1981), and published in the proceedings, Acquisition and Utilization of Aquatic Habitat Inventory Information, Neil Armantrout Editor, pp. 369-375. Johnson, Jay and A.L. Carpenter, Combined Effects of Environmental Variables, Cadmium and Zinc on Growth and Survival of Larval California Grunion (Leuresthes tenuis), paper and presentation for the second annual meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (November, 1981). Carter, J.W., A.L. Carpenter and W.N. Jessee, Benthic Community Structure on the Pendleton Artificial Reef, presented at the 63rd Annual meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists (December, 1982). Jessee, W.N., J.W. Carter and A.L. Carpenter, Fish Assemblage Structure Associated with Pendleton Artificial Reef and a Nearby Natural Reef, presented at the 63rd Annual meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists (December, 1982). Carter, J.W., W.N. Jessee and A.L. Carpenter, Pendleton Artificial Reef, presented at the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Man and Wildlife - Competition for Space. Sponsored by the American Fisheries Society (January, 1983). Jessee, W.N., J.W. Carter, A.L. Carpenter and Ed Demartini, Density Estimates of Five Warm-Temperate Reef Fishes Associated with an Artificial Reef, a Natural Reef, and a Kelp Forest, Paper and presentation for the Conference on Artificial Reefs in the Great Lakes (June 1983) also published in "Artificial Reefs Marine and Freshwater Applications", Lewis Publishers, Inc., edited by Frank M. D'Itri (1985). Carter, J.W., A.L. Carpenter, M.S. Foster and W.N. Jessee, Benthic Succession on an Artificial Reef Designed to Support a Kelp-reef Community, Presented at the Third International Artificial Reef Conference (November, 1983) and published in the Bulletin of Marine Science, Volume 37, July 1985. Jessee, W.N., A.L. Carpenter, J.W. Carter, Distribution Patterns and Abundance Estimates of Fishes on a Southern California Artificial Reef with comparisons to natural kelp-reef habitats, presented at the Third International Artificial Reef Conference (November, 1983) and published in the Bulletin of Marine Science, Volume 37, July 1985. Carter, J.W., W.N. Jessee, M.S. Foster and A.L. Carpenter, Management of Artificial Reefs Designed to Support Natural Communities, presented at the Third International Artificial Reef Conference (November, 1983) and published in the Bulletin of Marine Science, Volume 37, July 1985. |